
Snow Print

By Ellen Mint

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Book Description
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After the death of his brother all Cal wants to feel is nothing. But between his witch girlfriend and her live-in incubus, he doesn’t have much choice. While on a run through the forest he comes across Layla being attacked by a snowman army. Life is anything but boring with her beside him. Cal would change damn near everything in his life except for Layla, give or take Ink.


Publisher's note: Snow Print takes place after the events of Claw and before Fang in the Coven of Desire series by Ellen Mint.

General Release Date: 20th April 2021

Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-83943-528-7
Word Count: 10,004
Language: English
Book Length: SHORT STORY
Pages: 40

About the author
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Ellen Mint

Ellen Mint adores the adorkable heroes who charm with their shy smiles and heroines that pack a punch. She has a needy black lab named after Granny Weatherwax from Discworld. Sadly, her dog is more of a Magrat.

When she’s not writing imposing incubi or saucy aliens, she does silly things like make a tiny library full of her books. Her background is in genetics and she married a food scientist so the two of them nerd out over things like gut bacteria. She also loves gaming, particularly some of the bigger RPG titles. If you want to get her talking for hours, just bring up Dragon Age.

You can find Ellen at her website here and also on Bookbub..

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