

Our Rules

Jennifer Kacey

Customer & Industry Reviews of Our Rules

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  Review by Wicked Reads

This was a pretty hot ménage story!

  Review by The Romance Reviews

In OUR RULES, book one in the Hot Wife series, author Jennifer Kacey tells the story of a kinky couple who enjoy a special bond. The opening scenes are steaming hot as Tabitha embraces adventures as a submissive hot wife with a stable of partners. This is the first time I have ever read about the hot wife scenario in erotic fiction, but I think the author did an excellent job in setting the foundations that this was an agreed upon activity. The opening scene with Wes was probably one of the hottest things I've read in quite awhile.



  Review by Archaeolibrarian

It was a good read... The chemistry between the characters [was] brilliant. 

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