

Mating Scents

By McKenna Jeffries

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Book Description
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A memorable encounter brings a man in the path of a woman who will set his pulse racing and make him long for forever.

For Bailey Rueben, giving into temptation leads her to knocking a man off his feet. When she finds out who he is, she’s the one who’s swept away. She wants to get to know this man who makes her pulse race. In Garrick, she finds someone who makes her wish she believed in love, but she won’t let that happen to her. Fun is all she wants with him…or does her heart want more?

Garrick Radley has been off the market for a long time and is rusty with the current dating rituals. When he has an opportunity to get near the woman who has captured his attention, he takes it. The misunderstanding that follows makes him wonder if he should continue not to date yet Bailey changes his mind. As he gets to know her, he realises that he is already in deep. Now it’s just a matter of getting Bailey to accept their mating scents.

Reader Advisory: This book is best read in sequence as part of a series.


General Release Date: 22nd August 2014

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-78430-156-9
Word Count: 30,561
Language: English
Book Length: SHORT NOVEL
Pages: 91

About the author
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McKenna Jeffries


McKenna Jeffries has loved the written word from time she picked up her first book. Soon she was creating tales of love and family.

Although McKenna used to make up stories she never thought to put them on paper until…she realised the stories would keep filling her head until they were written. Since then she's been writing and sharing her books.

There is always some new story floating around her head. An itchy feeling in her fingers fills her until she can get a piece of paper to write it down.

She writes because it's a love affair. Writing is in her blood and she enjoys taking readers on a journey.

Reviews (2)
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  Reviewed by Literary Nymphs Reviews

I was shocked by the couple’s first meeting.  It left me giggling and rereading it again for a smile.  Theirs is the kind of story so off-the-wall wonderful that their grandchildren will be...

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  Reviewed by BTSe Magazine

Bailey and Garrick definitely had their steamy moments and they really did make quite the couple. It was a quick read and if you get the chance, pick up a copy. You'll like it a lot.

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News (2)
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McKenna Jeffries - Beyond Black and White feature

When I sit down to write, race usually isn’t a factor in my story. The story and the characters are prominent in my mind. It’s about the love between two people and race has no place in that. For me, it’s about the complexities of two people finding each other and then realizing that they want so much more. That their personalities, needs, and desires may align with each other. To others it may seem they are in no way a match, but they see in each other the other part of their whole.

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McKenna Jeffries - ARe Magazine

Family Dynamics

Family is such an intricate relationship. There are families by birth as well as those by choice. I’ve written many books on both. With my mind once again turned to families—more specifically the dynamics of them. Here is a definition of family and my own.

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