
Willa Okati

Willa Okati can most often be found muttering to herself over a keyboard, plugged into her iPod and breaking between paragraphs to play air drums. In her spare time (the odd ten minutes or so per day she's not writing) she's teaching herself to play the pennywhistle.

Willa has forty-plus separate tattoos and yearns for a full body suit of ink. She walks around in a haze of story ideas, dreaming of tales yet to be told. She drinks an alarming amount of coffee for someone generally perceived to be mellow.

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This author also has books at Pride Publishing

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Willa Okati - USA Today feature

OK, true confession: I’m a reality TV junkie. I keep the tube on for company while I’m writing, and I get drawn right in every time. Three of my favorite reality shows:

Mythbusters. If it’s wrong to have a crush on a beret, I don’t want to be right. 

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Willa Okati - LR Café Best of 2014 Awards Nominee

The Soulmarked series has been nominated for Best Series!

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