

Shapes and Sizes

By Aurelia T. Evans

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Book Description
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The Fat Man and the Human Skeleton of Arcanium, the first cursed with folds and rolls of flesh and the other born wasting unlikely a pair as any in Arcanium, but Arnie and Sandra find undeniable pleasure in their disparate bodies.

Publisher's Note: This short story involves characters from the Arcanium series, and is best read after book one, Fortune.


General Release Date: 23rd July 2015

Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: fb_4133
Word Count: 3,208
Language: English
Book Length: SHORT STORY

About the author
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Aurelia T. Evans

Aurelia T. Evans is an up-and-coming erotica author with a penchant for horror and the supernatural.

She’s the twisted mind behind the werewolf/shifter Sanctuary trilogy, demonic circus series Arcanium, and vampire serial Bloodbound. She’s also had short stories featured in various erotic anthologies.

Aurelia presently lives in Dallas, Texas (although she doesn’t ride horses or wear hats). She loves cats and enjoys baking as much as she dislikes cooking. She’s a walker, not a runner, and she writes outside as often as possible.


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