

Seeds of Dawn: Vol 2 PRINT

By Jambrea Jo Jones

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Book Description
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Sometimes you need to take justice in your own hands.

Russell Masters is having a pity party. Woe is him; he isn't fit to be in charge. If he doesn't change his way of thinking he could lose the very thing that could make him stronger.

Vivian Sommer can't understand why her mate won't claim her. They are destined to be together and she wants to be Russ' with an all fire passion. It means family and finally belonging. But she isn't going to sit around while he figures out they are better together.

Her tribe isn't willing to let her go with out a fight. Russ and Vivian must work together and stand strong because another threat could shatter their very existence.

Reader Advisory: This book is best read in sequence as part of a series



Going home could be deadly.

Centuries have passed. While family has come and gone, cat shifter Zareb has stayed strong to fight against an evil that keeps coming back. It's his duty as a guardian and he never lets the Ancients down. Not even when he has to go against his fellow guardian. It is a risk he was willing to take - until he meets the woman who could change his world.

Joy Rockwell is pissed at the universe. Or is she? The pull from the Vessel is strong. It drags her down and brings out her mean side. Although she's journeying to Africa with virtual strangers, she knows in her heart that this is where she is meant to be.

Two strong individuals must fight their way through the jungles of Africa to put an end to the hold the Vessel has over the shifters before it's too late. Will they fall in love along the way? Or will they be torn apart by circumstances beyond their control?

Reader Advisory: This book is best read in sequence as part of a series.

General Release Date: 14th November 2011

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Book Information
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ISBN: 978-0-85715-753-9
Word Count: 63,475
Language: English
Book Length: NOVEL
Pages: 239

About the author
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Jambrea Jo Jones

Jambrea wanted to be the youngest romance author published, but life impeded the dreams. She put her writing aside and went to college briefly, then enlisted in the Air Force. After serving in the military, she returned home to Indiana to start her family. A few years later, she discovered yahoo groups and book reviews. There was no turning back. She was bit by the writing bug.

She enjoys spending time with her son when not writing and loves to receive reader feedback. She's addicted to the internet so feel free to email her anytime.

Reviews (3)
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  Reviewed by Joyfully Reviewed

Inequities proves that love just doesn't care where you come from with waves of suspense, passion and humor that holds you until the last page is turned.

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  Reviewed by Night Owl Romance Reviews

Oh wow, this fourth installment blew my socks off...This was one of the best series I have ever read, and I hope that this series keeps on going. The sizzle was phenomenal and it's definitely a...

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