
Love Uninhibited

By Destiny Moon

Sexy Snax collection (Book #124)

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Book Description
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When Maya admits her darkest fantasy of being captured by a gang of pirates and forced to surrender, Hunter makes her dream come true.

Every woman has fantasies, but Maya is new to even talking about them, let alone acting on them. A divorcée from Utah, she breaks free from her repressive past when she moves to Boston on a whim. Starting a new life as a single woman in a big city is a challenge, but for someone who was taught that sexual desires were wrong, it is particularly hard. When Hunter, a charming co-worker, wants to date her, she must face her worst fear—that she’s just not ready for a ‘normal’ relationship.

However, Maya’s attraction to and trust in Hunter eventually pays off. To her own surprise, she finds herself revealing the truth to him. Though she expects judgment, she is met with enthusiasm. Hunter wants to satisfy her deepest darkest longing—to be captured by a gang of pirates and forced to surrender to them. In Hunter she finds a man capable of making her dream come true, but is she ready for the reality of group sex? And is Hunter ready to share his girlfriend with a bunch of other men?

Reader Advisory: This book contains a forced submission fantasy, public sex and group sex.

General Release Date: 20th October 2015

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-78430-805-6
Word Count: 15,995
Language: English
Book Length: NOVELLA
Pages: 55

About the author
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Destiny Moon

Romance heroines have saved my sanity numerous times through break-ups and life changes. I find escaping into a romance both soothing and revitalizing—and even better when there are some steamy scenes to tantalize the imagination.

For most of my adult life, I’ve concentrated on carving out a serious career, but a number of love-hungry, sassy characters keep taking over my mind, insisting that I daydream, live vicariously through them and tell their stories. Watching these women emerge on the page gives me a different sort of satisfaction than I get from my day job. It is a joy to share them with readers.

I live in a tiny apartment in a crowded city and I like to think there is something romantic about this. I did manage to find my soul mate here.


Reviews (3)
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  Reviewed by The Jeep Diva

For a very short story, this surprisingly packs a punch! This is a story that’s very believable. Hunter handles her insecurities wonderfully. Things with Maya were unconditional for him and w...

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  Reviewed by Crystal Blogs Books

Destiny, for creating characters that are not "perfect," especially Hunter. I loved him. Love Uninhibited was a quick, romantic read with sexy hints of dominance and sizzling fantasies.


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