


By Ellen Mint

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How can Cal live when the monster remains in the mirror?

Cal is struggling. After his past unraveled into a torment that claimed nearly his whole family, how could he not be? The only good left in his life is Layla, even if she comes with a pain-in-the-haunches incubus. Dealing with Ink is one more problem he’s ignoring, until the werewolf issues he’s refused to face come for him.

A second pack is hunting him and they’re threatening his mother. Cal has no choice but to travel back to Santa Fe and confront them, or lose the last family he has left. While a road trip with Layla sounds nice, Ink has to come along, and the demon keeps driving a growing wedge between Cal and his tenuous grasp on humanity.

Cal, Ink and Layla come face to face with an enemy Cal once believed to be nothing but a myth, his claws and fangs useless against their firepower. What do they want with the witch, werewolf and demon? And, most of all, how can they be stopped?

Reader advisory: This book contains scenes of violence, peril, near death, blood and gore. There are references to a cult, abusive and violent parents, and references to patricide.


General Release Date: 25th May 2021

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Book Information
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ISBN: 978-1-83943-981-0
Word Count: 50,916
Language: English
Book Length: NOVEL
Pages: 208

About the author
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Ellen Mint

Ellen Mint adores the adorkable heroes who charm with their shy smiles and heroines that pack a punch. She has a needy black lab named after Granny Weatherwax from Discworld. Sadly, her dog is more of a Magrat.

When she’s not writing imposing incubi or saucy aliens, she does silly things like make a tiny library full of her books. Her background is in genetics and she married a food scientist so the two of them nerd out over things like gut bacteria. She also loves gaming, particularly some of the bigger RPG titles. If you want to get her talking for hours, just bring up Dragon Age.

You can find Ellen at her website here and also on Bookbub..

Reviews (3)
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  Reviewed by Victoria

Coven of Desire road trip I enjoyed this second book in the Coven of Desire series. In contrast to the previous two, this one is written completely in Cal’s POV. Following on from him killing his d...

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  Reviewed by Ingrid V

Fang picks up where Claw left off but with Cal in the lead role. Cal tries to pick up his life after his father, the Alpha of the cult he and his brother were imprisoned in, is murdered. But then he ge...

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