

Colour Me Undead

By Mikela Q. Chase

Cloaks and Daggers collection (Book #1)

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Book Description
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When Cora's cousin asks her to plan a wedding for the undead she doesn't expect to fall in love with the vampire king.

As a favour to her cousin, Cora agrees to help plan her undead wedding. Little does she realise that Basil Bloodthorn, the vampire king, has plans of his own.

When Basil catches sight of Cora he knows he's found his mate. Unfortunately not everyone agrees with that decision, and Cora's life is endangered when someone else decides she'd rather be the next vampire queen and Cora is an obstacle that needs to be removed.

General Release Date: 24th October 2011

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-0-85715-791-1
Word Count: 12,060
Language: English
Book Length: SHORT STORY
Pages: 40

About the author
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Mikela Q. Chase

Mikela Chase also writes under the name of Amber Kell. She enjoys playing with her two boys, spending time with her husband and avoiding housework of all types.

Reviews (3)
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  Reviewed by Joyfully Reviewed

Colour Me Undead is fast-paced and wonderfully fun.  Mikela Q. Chase starts things off on a high note with a sassy heroine who’s not afraid to take her powerful hero down a peg or two.  Basil and C...

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  Reviewed by Two Lips Reviews

The story flowed seamlessly and didn't seem forced in any way; the characters' chemistry felt real and the characters themselves are fully developed. This is a short story but don't let...

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