

Broken and Healed

By Nan Comargue

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Book Description
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Indira is nursing a broken heart. Sorry if her suffering gets the company’s CEO all bothered.

Pharma CEO Alex Winters feels sorry for one of the assistants who’s nursing a broken heart—and not just because she’s doing it badly and disrupting the office. Her boss urges him to take Indy out on a date, but he resists. He thinks she’s sexy as hell, but he knows better than to get into a workplace romance.

Alex finally caves, only to find Indy’s already going out with some dude she met online. So of course he needs to break that up. Maybe he can really cure her broken heart in the process.

General Release Date: 18th June 2024

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Book Information
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Format: EBOOK  
ISBN: 978-1-80250-898-7
Word Count: 28,303
Language: English
Book Length: NOVELLA
Pages: 116

About the author
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Nan Comargue

Nan Comargue is a romance and erotic romance writer who has been reading romance novels all her life. She prefers sexy confident heroes who win over slightly introverted heroines (read: nerdish types) but she writes about everything from angel-warriors to cowboy ménage.

Nan blogs about her writing journey and other interesting topics (zombies!) here but lately she tweets more than she blogs (and sometimes more than she writes).

Nan is Canadian, eh?

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